SGA President-Elect Talks About Plans
On Thursday, April 27, Columbus State University will inaugurate the newest Student Government Association (SGA) President, Logan Ragan. A third-year business student, Ragan is exited to bring his enthusiasm out and revitalize the SGA program for the benefit of the students.
“It’s going to take a while… to re-energize the Student Government Association program for the student body,” said Ragan. He added that his vision is to be the voice of the student body and the “liaison between the students and the administration.”
Logan wants to raise awareness about SGA and stated that communication and increased student body relations should boost efficacy. “When students have better knowledge of what the SGA is and what is our scope of influence, they can bring up problems, concerns or ideas, which can then be presented to the administration.”
“Not many people know about these offices and what we do,” said Ragan. “I’m planning on doing a student-wide survey, asking [the students] what they think of us, how we can better serve them.” Ragan, who is also pursuing a marketing minor, wants to use his knowledge in the field to re-establish the brand and the visibility of the SGA. Ragan suggested that social media platforms can help his vision come to fruition.
“My biggest goal right now is to establish a whiteboard system, through social media and other methods,” he said. “[There], students can share their opinions and concerns with us and we can more efficiently take those concerns to the Administration for resolution.” SGA currently has social media, but Ragan believes a potentially stronger platform with more information about SGA’s work might build a larger follower base. “I want to re-amp it,” he said. “[We should] highlight things that the officers are doing.”
In addition to bolstering SGA’s relationship with the student body, Ragan wants to help students take advantage of other opportunities on campus. “CSU offers a myriad of opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills and connect with the administration,” Ragan said. “Our university also offers countless student job positions, which help build a network.” Ragan added that students should make the most of their time at CSU by getting involved.