Roommate Horror Story: How Bad Could It Be?
When you’re living on campus, you can be lucky and gain a best friend from being a roommate. However, having a roommate isn’t always fun and games. Sometimes, having a roommate can be a nightmare.
Columbus State pre-nursing major Kayla Medina hasn’t always had the best luck with her roommates. Medina was fortunate to have a private room, but had terrible roommates.
Speaking of her experience, Medina said, “We shared the common room, which was always messy and disgusting.” The roommates wouldn’t clean up after themselves and “left their trash everywhere, not only on the table, drawing bugs to the dorm since we lived on the first floor,” said Medina. She never used the common areas, but since her room was directly off the kitchen, she had to face the mess every day.
One time in particular, Medina said, “I saw a dead cockroach on the stove that was there for a whole week.” She had to clean it up because she grew tired of seeing it. There were many times where there were “dead bugs on the floor from one of my roommates killing them but leaving it there,” Medina said.
As if trash and bugs weren’t enough, Medina’s roommates would leave food on the counter to rot. “There was one time I saw a banana rot on the counter for a whole month or more,” said Medina. While the banana was rotting, she brought a friend over and her friend “picked up the banana and the whole thing fell out of its peel.”
If the food wasn’t left to rot, one of Medina’s roommates would wake up at 2 a.m. to cook fried chicken.
Loud music was another problem. It wasn’t unusual for music to be blasting in the dorm, so while she was in the shower one night, she didn’t think anything of it. Even upon finishing her shower, Medina said, “I didn’t really care. I just watched a movie and fell asleep.” Not long after falling asleep, the sounds of people leaving the apartment woke her up and the music was shut off. Soon after, “There was a knock on my door. It was an R.A. I found out my roommates had a party with alcohol and marijuana. The R.A. wanted to ask me questions about it.” She says the R.A. knew she had nothing to do with it, but she still had to go to a court hearing.
From trash, to bugs and rotting food, to 2 a.m. meals and parties, Kayla Medina didn’t have great luck with her roommates. Private dorms or not, remember that. for perhaps the first time, your space will be shared with a stranger, and sometimes it’s only a matter of time before their true colors shine.