Shaving Heads, Saving Lives
The DJ found his home in front of the clock tower, the brick columns on either side framing large speakers blaring the best (or worst, depending on who you ask) hits of the decade at a window rattling decibel usually reserved for Homecoming and Cougar Kickoff. Kappa Sigma was hosting its 10th annual “Shave to Save” event, benefitting the American Cancer Society.
Students scattered throughout the quad, watching the proceedings from beneath a shaded tree or near the main tent, awaiting their chance to get a piece of the action. “I was asked to shave someone’s head,” said sophomore
Samantha Vitale. While it was free to shave a brother’s head, bystanders had the opportunity to purchase event shirts and wristbands, or donate loose change to the cause. Members of the Greek life community, in particular, supported the event en masse. “My brother is a Kappa Sigma, [at another university] so I felt it was important to support this Kappa Sigma chapter with their event,” said Courtney Fields, a member of Phi Mu Fraternity and a former Orientation team leader. “As a Greek community we do a lot of philanthropy but it isn't often that you see anyone doing a philanthropy event that's so hands on. They're out here shaving their heads. Not only are they raising money, but they're raising awareness.”
Historically, Kappa Sigma raises thousands for the American Cancer Society through Shave to Save. According to junior Todd Myers, the chapter’s fundraising goal this year is higher than ever and the brothers are working hard to reach its $12,000 goal. “We all went out to businesses asking for sponsorships and donations, or even shirt sales,” said Myers. “Every little bit counts.”
In addition to funding cancer research, the brothers of Kappa Sigma took Shave to Save as an opportunity to support one of their own members, sophomore Bear Elder, whose mother was recently diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. “I really wanted to do this for her,” said Elder, who shaved his head to spread awareness. “I had like six different people shaving my head. It wasn’t too bad. It was fun!”